张家界旅游攻略及花费 - 张家界十里画廊旅游要几天时间,张家界 旅游英文

2024-05-22 17:02 556 浏览

   Title: Zhangjiajie's十里画廊: A Traveler's Paradise in China

  Zhangjiajie, a city located in the northwest of Hunan Province, is famous for its stunning natural landscapes and unique karst formations. One of the most popular tourist destinations in Zhangjiajie is the picturesque十里画廊 (Shili Gallery), which attracts countless visitors each year with its breathtaking scenery and diverse ecological environment. In this article, we will explore the beauty of十里画廊 and provide you with essential travel information to plan your trip to this idyllic location.

  Exploring十里画廊: The Essential Itinerary

  To fully experience the beauty of十里画廊, you should allocate at least three days for your trip. Here is an ideal itinerary for your visit:

  Day 1: Arrival in Zhangjiajie and transfer to十里画廊

  After arriving in Zhangjiajie, take a bus or hire a taxi to transfer to十里画廊. The journey takes about an hour and a half. Upon arrival, check into your hotel and rest for a while. In the afternoon, you can explore the nearby area, such as the Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon, or take a leisurely walk along the riverbank.

  Day 2: Exploring十里画廊 Scenic Spots

  Begin your day with a hearty breakfast and prepare for a full day of exploration. The main attractions in十里画廊 include the following:

  1. Yuanjiajie Scenic Area: This area is known for its unique rock formations and tranquil surroundings. You can hike along the stone steps to enjoy the breathtaking views or take a cable car to the top for an aerial perspective.

  2. Huanglong Cave: This stunning limestone cave features a variety of colorful stalactites and stalagmites, as well as an underground river. The temperature inside the cave is cool, making it an ideal spot to escape from the heat in summer.

  3. Ten-mile Gallery Scenic Area: As its name suggests, this area offers a stunning ten-mile stretch of scenic landscape, including rivers, mountains, and bamboo forests. You can take a leisurely stroll along the riverbank or rent a bike to explore the area at your own pace.

  Day 3: Departure from Zhangjiajie

  After breakfast, spend the morning shopping for souvenirs or visiting any attractions you may have missed. In the afternoon, catch a bus or hire a taxi back to Zhangjiajie city, where you can catch your flight or train home.

  Travel Tips for十里画廊

  1. Weather: The best time to visit十里画廊 is from March to May and September to November, when the weather is mild and pleasant. Avoid visiting during the summer months, as the heat can be unbearable.

  2. Accommodation: There are numerous hotels and guesthouses in the area, ranging from budget to luxury options. It is recommended to book your accommodation in advance, especially during peak tourist season.

  3. Transportation: Buses and taxis are available to get to十里画廊 from Zhangjiajie city. Inside the scenic area, you can hire bikes or take electric buses to explore the various attractions.

  4. Food: The local cuisine in Zhangjiajie is a mix of Hunan and Sichuan flavors, featuring spicy and savory dishes. Some must-try local dishes include Zhangjiajie chicken, sour and spicy fish, and hot pot.

  5. Photography: Be prepared to capture stunning photos during your visit to十里画廊. Make sure to bring a camera or smartphone with a good camera function and a charger.


  Zhangjiajie's十里画廊 is a must-visit destination for nature lovers and photographers. With its breathtaking scenery and diverse ecological environment, it offers a truly unique experience. Follow our itinerary and travel tips to make the most of your trip to this beautiful location.

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